Monday, February 22, 2010

Astrid ride behind Brings

Cologne - Astrid Pyko (30) showing no mercy. Whether rain, snow, storm - it is (almost) always there. Then where are Brings. Astrid is Cologne's hardest Karnevalsgroupie.
"Then I do 150 performances in the session with," says the employees for job promotion. By bike it kicks the band afterwards, sneaks into the rooms - even to Mr. meetings.
If the band has gigs in Hurth, Astrid also takes time to train. But, at the latest shortly before a clock at night, then go with the last train back home. To Wuppertal.
"I do this now since 1995. I saw a report on TV about views Brings. There I found the music so great, "she says. And since she loves Brings - purely platonic, "she says.
With her fiance Willi (45) it has been together for five years. She met him at a concert Brings. "On such evenings, when he has a birthday, then I'll stay at home. But he has no problem with that, I'm so often on the road, "says the Kölschrock-follower.
The most extreme days are gone. When Astrid still toured with Brings through Germany, often times slept in the station. "That's now due to work any more," she explains.
But it still makes spontaneous actions - for example, flew for a few hours to a gig after Majorca. Peter Brings "When we were in Hintertux appearances early in the morning and arrived at the station, Astrid has been waiting for. It still surprises us. "
Astrid is not obtrusive, always keep in the background, stands at the edge of the stage with shining eyes. Their highlights Fandasein: "When comes the band and a welcome. They're always so nice. I get sometimes given a CD, "she says.
The band appreciates the loyal follower. Peter Brings "She is really a totally loved, totally faithful soul." Thanks to continuous bike-riding and a pretty toned ....